Sunday, June 19, 2011


So I always thought I was an emotional person, more emotional than most. I am a big crier, I always cried at a good chick flick, a sweet song, a sad story and so on. Now that I am pregnant my emotions have gone into over drive. I now cry over ANY movie (even comedies), a commercial, the news, EVERYTHING!! Yesterday was a rough one and I cried all day. I couldn't seem to pull it together I was proud of myself though because I didn't break down until after I had cleaned the house and washed the dog. Snaps for me. I appreciate my sister who called out of the blue and listened to me as well as my dear friend who showed up at my apt with flowers and a card :) I realize that this is normal I just didn't' realize that I would still have tears left in my body to cry while watching another movie today. I need to rehydrate!!!
If anyone has tips for helping a girl out on controlling her emotions a little bit more it would be helpful and my husband will also than you!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Cry, Cry, Cry! Cry now, cry later. And several years down the road you'll laugh hysterically. Good luck and Hang in there!