Saturday, January 29, 2011

First time

So today I was hungry but my stomach hurt all day. I would eat and wouldn't feel better. I made a great dinner tonight pasta, chicken and broccoli, it all tasted so good. About 5 minutes later I was throwing it all up. Not a good experience. I have about 2 months of this to look forward to. Is there anything that helps???


MommyMert said...

Hey Jen,

Congrats!!! :) My last pregnancy... oober sick. Sometimes bland basic foods are the way to go. Toast, applesauce, chicken noodle soup... You will start to find what will work and wont. Dont lay down after you eat. If you have a REALLy sick pregnancy like my last one you can get medication from your doctor. Good Luck! Very excited for you and your new adventure.


Pritchard Family - Megan said...

2 months! That would have been nice, I was sick for 5 months, threw up every morning and felt horrible the rest of the day! Good luck, nothing I did help and people gave me lots of advice. The sacrifice we make for the little ones! Love you, sorry . . .
oh wait I heard Ginger Tea!? I never tried that, Ginger is supposed to help an upset stomach.