Friday, August 27, 2010

It's Happened

OK so since I've been a single girl for a long time and I've seen a lot of friends and family get married. The one thing you notice is the ring. Especially in church. Usually the girl sits on the right side of the guy and in the middle of the service meeting she scratches his back to "show off" her bling.
Well it's happened to me.
I have become that girl.
Last night Tony surprised me with my bling. I wasn't expecting it at all. He comes in the house and in a stern voice says "We need to talk" I'm thinking what did I do??? Then he says we need to sit and talk, I go to take a seat at the dining room table (at mom's) and he says "No I want you to sit there" and points to another chair. I'm getting nervous and wondering what is going on. He then grabs my left hand and says "I'm going to need this back" and starts pulling off my ring. The silver wedding band he proposed with. I was like "WHY???" He then pulls out a box with the diamond ring (I should say diamonds :) and says "This one is better."
It is so pretty and I can't stop looking at it and smiling. So now I have the bling and I just feel like showing it off. I feel like such an idiot. I have become the girl that I always laughed at. I am such a dork.
Anyway so I get the band when we get married in October.
It was a pretty good night to say the least.


Kierst said...

So, if you're so excited to show it off, where's the picture?! I want to see!

The Sandy Bottom Crew said...
