Saturday, November 1, 2008

tagged again

I got tagged by one of my companions. Sister Cox. This one you go to your picutre files and go to the fourth file. Then you pick the fourth picture.

This is me and my good friend Leah at a Padres game. My boss got season tickets and when he couldn't go to a game he'd give them to me. They were awesome seats. I think I got to go three times and it was great. Leah is awesome and I'm so sad but she moved to Colorado this week. I'll miss her.
I tag: Erin, Megan, Adri, Sarah and Becky.
Have fun.


Sarah-sponda said...

You got me:) This time I followed through.

Anonymous said...

sorry i didnt follow through, i hate getting tagged cause i start sweating on my upper lip cause i cant think of any of the answers! the pressure is to to to much!!