Friday, January 28, 2011

Big News

I am pregnant. I found out yesterday at about 1pm. I first called Anthony and he was working and busy and asked if he could call me back. When he did I told him and I think he already knew what I was going to say. I told him I'm pregnant and he kept saying "Are you sure?" "Really" "Are you sure?" All I could say was "Yep"
I called my mom and my older sister Erin and Anthony called his dad Vincent.
When he got home I gave him a hug and told him he's going to be a daddy. He got emotional because he wants to name the baby after his grandfather Angelo if it's a boy, or his grandmother Theresa if it's a girl. I am ok with that if I get to do the middle name.
Last night I put my hand on my stomach and whispered to the baby that I am very happy.
I feel so excited, nervous, happy, and just humbled that a life is growing inside of me.
These next few months will be such an amazing journey and I will document it.


Cherrington said...

Jen- that is sooooooo awesome!!! I am so excited for you and Anthony. You will be the best mom ever. You are so great with kids and always have been.

Danielle Hatch said...

jenny, congrats you will be an amazing mom!

J'me Shillig said...

Congrats Love! I'm so excited for you. I'm sitting here, rubbing my huge belly and thinking of you. It's an exciting, nerve-racking and wonderful time of your life! Write in your journal often because this time goes by so fast and you'll forget as soon as you see that beautiful baby in your arms.

Keep us posted!
We love and adore you!!