Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pritchard Family Visit

It was so much fun having Joe, Megan, Jed, Dyllan and Milly come for a visit last weekend.
What fun kids. We had a great time looking around San Diego harber. We took a tour of the Midway and checked out all the old planes, helecopters, and fun stuff on board.
Joe is graduating and I am so proud and happy for him.
Megan did an awesome job at the garden festivle and I am so happy and proud of her as well. What an amazing artest. I hope next year will be an even bigger success.

I love this one of Milly because you can hardly see her face but she has a smile in her eyes. What a cutie.
Jed and Dyllan are awesome boys and a lot of fun. I got to ride with them down to San Diego and it was fun having them in the car with me.
Milly was fun too and so sweet with lots of smiles. :) She kept saying Camino Del Norte and it was so funny.

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