Friday, May 18, 2007

Adventures in housesitting

OK so the most interesting thing happened to me on Wednesday. I come home from work and I am excited because my plan is to go for a swim and then relax in the jacuzzi. But relaxing was not in my future. I followed Ron's directions to turn on the jacuzzi and I let it heat up for a while. About a half hour goes by and I got my swimsuit on and my towel in hand excited to relax. When to my complete HORROR I find the jacuzzi with no water in it. Yup that's right no water, it's completely dry. What did I do? I panicked. I turned off everything and with a small one gallon bucket I slowly filled the jacuzzi up with water. By that time I said to heck with relaxing and called it a night. By the way the pool was freezing.
Oh well at least it makes for a funny story.

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